Why Brand Photography is Non-Negotiable
Photo by Sarah Oden
Let’s talk brand photography. I get lots of business owners who come to me and say, “I need brand design, but I have to get my website up first.” First of all: no you don’t. 😂 Your brand will determine nearly every aspect of your website, so brand design ALWAYS comes first.
The next step is brand photography. We live in an increasingly visual world, and having photography that is a reflection of your brand’s messaging, aesthetics and quality needs to be second on your to-do list after brand design.
I PROMISE you: a potential client is going to look at your photos before they read that block of text or list of services. Brand photography builds trust and adds perceived value. If the only photos on your website are blurry cell phone shots, a potential client will assume your products or services will be equally shoddy.
“But professional photography is expensive,” you say. Yeah, sometimes! But you get what you pay for. Look at it as an investment that goes beyond your website. Those photos belong to you to use however you like. And having a big folder of quality photography at the ready certainly makes posting to social media or developing marketing materials a whole lot easier.
“But I hate having my photo taken,” you say. Bestie, no one hates having their photo taken more than me. But a good photographer will make you look good and make the process as painless as possible, I promise.
“But I don’t know any photographers,” you say. Cool, I know lots. Call me.
All this to say: suck it up. Get those photos done. If I can do it, so can you.